n the January 1955 issue of ONE, The Homosexual Magazine, there are two articles whose writers contend that homosexuality is not necessarily neurotic, and who imply that homosexuals can be just as "normal" as, and in some ways perhaps more "normal" than, nonhomosexuals. Thus, in "Literature and Homosexuality," David L. Freeman writes: "But there is a way out of the morass of degenerate mediocrity. Ideals of the original Mattachine, concepts eloquently set forth by Cory, and principles adopted by ONE magazine (all indirectly reinforced by Kinsey's researches) embrace an altogether new approach: Homosexuals are not necessarily neurotic and, when they are, their neuroses generally spring from their homosexuality in a heterosexual world. This approach provides an entirely new, optimistic rallying point for America's five to fifteen million homosexuals and should be a clarion call to all of them aspiring to do creative writing in the interest of their minority."